Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pain, Pain, Go Away........

Ok, so it isn't a definite diagnosis, but at least it is a direction to head in.  The doctor today said that she thinks due to my symptoms and past bloodwork, she thinks I may have Mixed Connective Tissue Disease.  (You can google it..... )  Right now, we aren't doing anything to directly treat the pain, but we are treating my stress and anxiety, as it is well known that those two things can greatly increase any pain you may be experiencing.  She is putting in a referral to a rheumatologist.  I feel like we are getting closer and closer to finding out what is going on with my body.... hopefully before it totally falls apart!  I love this doctor to pieces though.... she doesn't try to force feed me pain pills and is willing to run tests and do referrals to try to get to the bottom of the problem.  She understands that I'm not one to take pain pills because they are just bandaids.... they solve nothing.  I told her that I'm still breastfeeding Sammie, and she said that will limit what medicines she would give me but she fully supports breastfeeding and she fully understood when I told her that Sammie comes first and other kinds of medicines would wait.  Hell, I've been in pain this long, so what is a bit longer to continue to give my baby everything I can?  LOL  One day my body will be solely mine again.  Until then, I will submit myself to her needs!  :)  In the meantime, I will continue chanting "pain, pain, go away......" 

1 comment:

  1. Its such a wonderful feeling to be comfortable with your dr. I swear most of them are asses, so finding one who truly cares is great. I hope releive is right around the corner for you.
