Saturday, September 4, 2010

Letting go of some control....

It makes me so very sad that things couldn't have worked out with Michael, my first husband  He is such a good guy.  Most of the time, when I feel like I can't count on anyone else, I can generally count on him.  Yes he is still anal and still controlling, but he is stable and dependable.  I will have to talk more about him later..... he is coming over to teach our oldest son how to mow the yard so I don't have to mow it. 

Yes.  You read that correctly.  I'm letting go of a little bit of control in my life.  I'm absolutely terrified that something bad will happen to one of my children so I tend to not let them do anything I consider even remotely dangerous.  Like mowing the yard.  They might cut off a toe or get a rock kicked up in their eye or any one of a number of scenarios my mind can imagine.  I'm not really sure how I'm going to handle it.  I'm such a worry-wort. 

I wonder what other household tasks I can give away.......

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