Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pain issues solved!

I talked before about how I was constantly in pain and couldn't find any relief.  Well.  I found the answer for me and I think this is the answer for a lot of people.  I found a chiropractor that practices the Gonstead Method.  And it is a very minimal approach but it works so much better than anything else I have ever tried. 

I went in to see Dr Doan for my evaluation and in talking to him, I had told him how badly my neck hurt when the last chiropractor adjusted me and how he had blown me off when I asked him to adjust me in another way.  He found which parts of my back were what was causing the problems and he told me that the reason why it hurt so badly when the other chiropractor (who doesn't use the gonstead method) adjusted my neck was because my neck didn't need to be adjusted.  OK.  So why in the hell does my neck hurt???  Because one of my vertebrae between my shoulder blades was subluxed.  Normally you think that pain goes down, and I have based my treatment of many patients based on this theory but you know what?  He was absolutely right.  He adjusted just two spots on me that day--- between my shoulder blades and my left ileum (hip)--- and within an hour I felt like a new person.  My wide spread joint pain that I had...... GONE.  I haven't had anything for pain or indigestion nor have I complained or cried or begged for anyone to rub my neck or shoulder.  All GONE. 

I finally convinced one of my friends to go see him.  She was in worse shape than I was.  She was facing back surgery and was told that she shouldn't get pregnant because it would cause her too much pain and she would end up on bedrest the whole time and even then they didn't know if she would be able to carry the baby to term.  She was taking lortab and muscle relaxers around the clock and drinking wine on top of all of that and STILL crying from the pain.  She went and saw him 2 days ago and hasn't had any kind of pain.  She did have to take some of her medicines though..... not from pain but from withdrawals!  She is absolutely amazed.  I bugged her for weeks about going to see him and after her appointment and seeing how wonderful she felt, she said "now you can tell me you told me so."  I told her no, I wouldn't say that because it wasn't about that.... it was about her feeling better and avoiding surgery (she's only 30 yikes!) and that it wasn't about who was right or wrong.  She was finally convinced to go after I took Sammie to him.  She figured if I trusted him enough to take Sammie to him that he must be good.

I've been meaning to get on here and just brag.  I've been bragging on my boards to the point that I think people are going to put hot daggers in their eyes if I mention my chiropractor one last time.  It has been 2 week since my last appointment and I think it is getting time for another appointment.  Did I mention that I'm seriously considering going to school for this?  LOL

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