Monday, August 30, 2010

To cooperate or not?

Hmmm......... the ink isn't even dry on the custody arrangements.  Yet he is already asking me to accommodate him for his oldest son's football schedule.  He wants me to work something out for 6 Mondays in a row.  He said he will also have to get their competitive swimming schedule, too. Part of me wants to cooperate just because that is me, though he would never admit that I'm pretty easy to get along with most of the time.  Part of me wants to say Hell No and let it be his problem.  The other part of me wants to explore how I can make this work for Sammie come January.  I want to start the visitation gradually, not so suddenly.  Maybe take her during the days on his weekends for a bit, until she gets used to him, and let me keep her in the evenings?  Do I expect that he is going to be open to this idea?  No. He is more interested in hurting me than what is best for our kids.

She sleeps with me and nurses ALL night right now and I don't see her giving that up too easily.  I wouldn't even know where to begin to know how much milk I would have to pump to send with her for a weekend.  I do good to pump just for daycare.  She is almost 8 months old right now and has not had a drop of formula.  I intend to keep it that way until I'm forced to do otherwise.  She won't even take naps without me very well and even the babysitter gave up on trying to lay her down... she usually holds her for naps too.  Maybe 10 minutes here, 20 minutes there if she lays on her own, if even that long.  Occasionally the babysitter can get her to take a longer nap in the swing, but not on a regular basis.  How can it be healthy for her to go for a weekend without much sleep?  I do not let my children CIO (cry it out).  I don't feel it is necessary at this age...... crying is how they communicate their wants and needs and to ignore their cries to me is to tell them that I don't care to hear what you are saying.  If others choose to do that to THEIR kids, then that is their choice, but I can't and won't do that to mine.

So I'm torn as to what to do.  Do I cooperate in hopes that come January he will be understanding of our daughter's needs?  Or do I say "deal with it, it isn't my problem" and not cooperate?  *sigh*

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