Friday, December 31, 2010

Once an Ass, Always an Ass, I suppose.....

Chad is just a real piece of work.  If it weren't for my two beautiful children, I would honestly wish to God that I had NEVER met him.  I DO wish to God that he would go out of my life for good right now and leave me and my precious babies alone.  We would be just fine without him.  Actually.  We would be BETTER than fine!

What kind of an ass insists upon taking a 3 year old away from his mother for 8 days for the first time ever?  At Christmas for the first Christmas away?  AND on his baby sister's FIRST Christmas???  And to top it all off, soon he will be taking Sammie for every other weekend, despite the fact that she still nurses all night long every night and sleeps with me.

Then he tells me that he isn't going to pay for any of Sammie's chiropractor bill, because I didn't talk to him first and she has insurance.  Well, she has state insurance, which 1) doesn't pay for anything other than basic care, 2) doesn't pay for chiropractors even with a referral, and 3) he doesn't take insurance anyway.  Getting a referral through state insurance is about as fast as getting one through Indian Health.  LOL  And I DID talk to him about the chiopractor appt.  She got out of the hospital Wednesday night and on our visit Friday evening, I talked to him about her going to my chiropractor on Monday.  He made some snide comment about how he is surprised that I would take Sammie to a chiropractor because she is so young.  Yet he professes to be all into everything natural.

Grrr.  Ok, I'm trying to simmer down now.  No sense in being all in a tizzy on New Year's, right?

God, please forgive me for being so evil.  I might have given certain information to certain people that might have been interested in finding a certain someone.  I'm sorry that I did it ---ok, strike that.... that is a lie.  I'm sorry that I sunk that low but he is basically walking away scott-free from this entire situation so far.  I'm, as with our entire relationship, the only one paying the piper and it just isn't fair.  Let him have a taste of his own medicine for a change.  Sorry, God, but I guess that some people will remain asses their entire lives.